Geoapify Location Platform - maps, components and solutions

Welcome to Geoapify Location Platform

Create location-aware applications with Geoapify APIs and comprehensive location services

Need to develop a location-aware app or answer location-related questions? Geoapify is a feature-rich location platform suitable for businesses of any size. We offer maps, address and location search, route optimization, reachability analysis, geodata access, and more.

Get started quickly with our code samples and tutorials. Not sure where to start? Get in touch and we'll be happy to answer all your questions.

What Is Geoapify Location Platform?

Geoapify offers essential tools to develop maps, optimize routes, and build intelligent location-based applications and services

Our location platform streamlines map development and geospatial analytics applications. We believe in keeping things straightforward and easy to use. We offer core maps API, auxiliary APIs, and data services.

Our APIs return reliable, up-to-date location data you and your customers can trust. And our affordable prices leave you free to focus on your project without worrying about budget limits.

A Location Platform That Puts You In Control

We use open data for all our APIs, including processed data, which gives you complete control. Unlike other services, you can save your results on your side with no limits.

Give it a try today! Sign up and start using our API for free. Wondering if this is right for your business? Check out our API playground and see what you can build with our APIs.

Which Map API Do You Need?

We have an API for all your location based tasks
Map styles example


Create vector and raster maps you can use as a base-map layer for Leaflet, MapLibre GL, OpenLayers, QGIS, and other map libraries and GIS.

Or use our Static Maps API to generate map images and map markers. Choose between different map styles and colors to match your app and website design.

Geocoding API example

Address and Location Search

Effortlessly search for places by name or address, convert coordinates to addresses, and determine user locations from IP addresses with Geoapify's advanced geocoding capabilities. Choose from a broad set of options to meet your business requirements. Our Geocoding API supports multiple languages.

You can download and use your results freely thanks to our permissive conditions.

Places API example

Places and Details

Search for amenities and points of interest, and return detailed information about them. Our APIs support a wide range of place types and categories.

You can filter results by location, bounding box, and isolines.

Routing API example

Routes and Optimization

Optimize and calculate efficient routes for single vehicles or entire fleets. Access detailed route geometry, road attributes, and turn-by-turn directions for superior navigation.

Our flexible location platform makes it easy to create and plan routes for logistics and delivery companies. From postal services to food delivery, and from maintenance and care workers, to store deliveries, our platform gives you the routing tools you need.

Drive  Isochrone: 30 min, 15 min, 10 min

Isolines API

Isolines show what areas are reachable within a given time or travel distance and are great for analytics, logistics, and calculating service areas.

We offer isochrones and isodistances for multiple modes of transport including drive, truck, bicycle, walk, and transit. Find reachable areas up to 5 hours or 1000 kilometers wide.

Don't see a feature or API you need? Get in touch with us and we'll be glad to help you.

Why Choose Geoapify Location Platform?

We make maps, location data, and spatial analytics affordable and accessible for businesses of all sizes
Geoapify advantage: Easy to use

Easy to use

Geoapify Location Platform is straightforward and easy to use. We give you the code samples and API Playground you need to get started.

Need help in the playground? Our team is always here to support you.

Geoapify advantage: Feature-rich


We have all the APIs you need to develop maps, calculate and optimize routes, analyze locations, and get geodata and place information.

Geoapify advantage: Permissive lisence


You can use Geoapify with any third party APIs. Store your API responses without limits, and build commercial and non-commercial projects.

You can start developing projects and downloading data right away, even on our free plan.

Affordable and Flexible for Businesses of Any Size

Get started for free. Geoapify grows with you and we offer custom unmetered plans for high query volumes

Getting started with Geoapify is easy. Visit our Get Started page to begin. Register in seconds and you can start building your first project.

Our Projects feature makes it easy to stay organized, with the capacity for multiple projects per account, and multiple API keys per project.

Affordable for Startups


Get started with Geoapify for free. Our free plan covers commercial use, so you can create commercial versions of your service or app.

Affordable for small and midsize businesses

Small and midsize business

Choose the pricing plan that works for you. Even if you unexpectedly go over your quota, we won't block you or charge you more. But we will help you find the plan that works best for your current needs.

Best price-value ratio for Enterprise level businesses

Enterprise level

We offer our enterprise customers unmetered API access at a fixed price.

Our unmetered plans support your customer requirements while giving you the best pricing on the market. Ideal for high request volumes.

Learn more about Geoapify pricing policy on the Pricing page. Get in touch if you have any questions and we'll be glad to help.

High Volumes at Fair Prices

Are you looking for cost-efficient maps, geocoding, or routing APIs?

We know you want first-class functionality without breaking your budget. That's why our unmetered API requests start from just 700€ / month.

If your request volumes change, no problem. We'll help you adjust your plan to suit your business needs.


What is a location platform?

A location platform provides the location APIs, components, and geodata you need to develop location-based applications and maps.

What do I need to develop a location-aware application?

A location-aware app requires location services such as address search, route builders, and geodata. Geoapify Location Platform APIs give you access to the geospatial services and data you need to build map applications and location components.

What are the main advantages of Geoapify's location platform?

Geoapify offers a business-friendly location platform with a permissive license, allowing easy integration and use. Our services are affordably priced and scalable to meet your business needs, providing advanced geocoding, mapping, and routing solutions with high accuracy and reliability.

How does Geoapify compare to other location platforms?

Geoapify stands out due to its affordable pricing, flexible terms, and comprehensive geospatial services. Unlike some alternatives, Geoapify provides a permissive license, allowing for easier integration and broader usage without restrictive terms.

How does Geoapify's permissive license benefit users?

Geoapify's permissive license allows users to cache, store, and redistribute geospatial data, offering significant flexibility. This means you can integrate and use the data in various applications without restrictive terms. However, proper attribution is required, which is provided with the results, ensuring compliance and ease of use for commercial and large-scale projects.

Can I use Geoapify's location platform for my business projects?

Yes, Geoapify’s location platform is designed with businesses in mind. Our APIs are scalable and reliable, suitable for a wide range of applications from small startups to large enterprises. The business-friendly terms ensure you can grow without worrying about prohibitive costs or restrictive licenses.

How can I use Maps API for free?

1. Register and get an API key on the Geoapify MyProject page.
2. Learn how to use APIs on the API Docs page or generate an API link with the Playground.
3. When you stay within the Free pricing plan quota, you can use the Maps API for free, even for a commercial app.

Can I store the data I received by using Maps API?

We know how important it is to have control of the data you generate. You are free to download and store all the data and components you create with Geoapify. But please remember the required OpenStreetMap attribution. By default, the attribution is provided as a part of the result object. If you are on a Free plan, please also add a "follow" link on your website to attribute Geoapify as data provider:
Powered by <a href="">Geoapify</a>

Custom GIS and GeoData services

Need Something Specific? We’re Here to Help!

We’re excited to assist you with your project. Our services include:

Our team can work with you to analyze your needs, develop the best solution for you, and support you throughout implementation and beyond.

Whether you're just getting started with location APIs, or need a custom on-site installation, Geoapify has you covered.

Ready to get started? Visit the Playground, or get in touch and we will help you.